Our second international family meeting was held at Pessach (Passover),
19 to 22 April 2000 in Jerusalem, Israel.

After our successful Berlin Meeting in 1998 there were about 100 family members taking part this time. See below for contributions to this reunion.

The Organising Committee
Rivka & Banini Steinitz
The program of the meeting
Michael P. Steinitz
Photos of historical Jerusalem
M04_small.jpg (2148 Byte) Dan Steinitz
The Opening Speech
Jan Steinitz
The Languages at the Reunion
Banini Steinitz
Exploring the Origin of the Steinitz Family
Marianne and Tim Haiselden
From Germany to New Zealand
Reni Steinitz
From the Family Archive
Jan Steinitz
Web Site Stories
mail.gif (1558 Byte) Lore Steinitz
An additional story
Photos of the Meeting

