The Languages at the Reunion

Between all participants, 17 languages were (or could have been) spoken at the reunion. Some family members gave an example of their language skills.
Arab [Michael Steinitz]
Aramaean Ha lachma anja, di achalu avhatana be'ar'a de mizrayim.
(This is the bread of poverty that our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt.)
[Dani Steinitz]
Danish Det er mig en glæde at se jer alle sammen, og jeg håber da også, at I allesammen har glæde af at møde hinanden og nyder familie-samlingen.
(It is my pleasure to see you all, and I indeed hope that all of you are happy to meet each other and enjoy the family-reunion.)
[Amnon Steinitz]
English [Anya Richardson]
French Je suis la représentante de la langue francaise. Je suis très heureuse d'être ici avec vous tous. Seulement je suis un peu timide, donc je termine mon petit speech.
[Nadine Steinitz]
German [Benni Steinitz]
Italian [Katja Tenenbaum]
Latin Hospites spectabiles, cari amici, valde laetamur quod vos hospitio excipimus salutamusque hic Hierosolymis in hoc conventu familiae Steinitz.
[Hannah Rosen]
Limburg Ich bèen gebore in Limburg, wavan de taal noch neet su lang gelede door de EU es minderheidstaal erkint is. Der seen ongevèr 1 miljoen van oos, die de taal auch sjpreke. Geer zult waarsjienlik et verschil mèt nederlands neet hwère, mè et is toch waal degelik anders. In eeder geval voldoende, um door de 'hollènders' neet verstange te weure.
[Guido Notermans]
Maori Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou.
(Greeting to you - three or more persons)
[Lesley Haiselden]
Polish [Moshe Aridor]
Russian [Erik Bassow]
Spanish [Sascha Tenenbaum]
Swedish Jag är lycklig att jag har så många släcktningar över hela världen.
(I am happy to have so many relatives all over the world.)
[Reni Steinitz]
Turkish [Elisabeth Steinitz]
Yiddish [Rivka Steinitz]

