Related Documents for Mosche Laib Steinitz,
submitted by Miriam Steinitz Gidron, translated by Florian Schubert:

Letter by Moritz Cohn to Mosche Laib Steinitz on the engagement of their children Auguste Cohn and Sigismund Steinitz
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Mr. M. Steinitz. Gleiwitz Breslau, May 6, 1869
We were very pleased by your kind lines in the long missed jewish writing and would like to consider them as promising happiness both for the coming association of our children and for a close relation of our families. In my reply I use this writing, which I am rather unfamiliar with, because it vividly reminds me of the good old times and the sociable meetings of the two families.

Your introducing remark regarding the inborn strong desire of our children to determine and arrange their hearts‘ affairs without foreign help or interference seems to have hit the nail on the head. Having had a slight idea of it, we, too, have been informed by our daughter about the liaison with your son when she returned from [...]. Last week your son wrote us, making a formal proposal which we accepted with pleasure, because during our first meeting we soon started liking your son, a feeling which yet intensified during each of his following visits. Since you write similar things about our daughter, and we ourselves already had the opportunity to see the obliging and attentive attitude of you, your wife and daughters towards her, all this is so excellent that it seems justified to expect the very best of this conjunction.

I therefore answered your son to this effect and explained that we very much appreciate and esteem his proposal, that we accept him with pleasure as our son, and that family link with you appears very honourable and pleasing to us; the only precondition was that he may attain your consent to continue this relationship. Now you are so kind as to meet this condition with such willingness that nothing is left to be desired but the blessing of heaven, which we shall fervently ask from the All-bountiful.

Likewise, we entirely agree regarding the time you give your esteemed [...] to arrange the matter; your son expressed himself similarly in his letter since he wants to use the time to become independent and start up a business. This is very reasonable and shows that he wants to approach the matter with sensibility and seriousness. Therefore we trust in his respectability and are convinced that he shall exert everything for achieving his goal as soon as possible.

We therefore return your congratulations with cordiality and once more repeat our full approval and assurance that we take pleasure in a closer relation to your esteemed family.

With kind regards to you, your dear wife, and Auguste, I remain respectfully,

your friend.

